Tuesday 21 March 2017

If They Did Not Exist, How Would Our Lives Be?

Life seems so much more convenient because of their existence, presence and availability. Were they not there, how much would we have to suffer and how we would have survived?

Imagine for a second, if you had to have your shoes mended and there was no cobbler; You would definitely be forced to buy a new pair of shoes. Picture this if there were no puncture shop and you would have to buy a new car tire tube every now and then. Your expenditures would be sky rocket and perhaps meeting ends would be difficult. If domestic helps such as sweepers and maids were not there then how would we enjoy eating out, shopping or watching dramas like couch potatoes? Of course  we would be doing all the house chores ourselves.

If there were no greengrocers, dry cleaners or the beloved chai-wala’s how different would our lives be? I think we would not be the Kings and Queens that we consider ourselves. At least we would have to seek for these services from dawn to dusk. But despite of all these comforts we have little regard for those who belong to these so called blue collared professions. We as a society collectively do not value their contributions and rather than showing our gratitude we often mistreat them.
Most of us never try to empathize with them nor do we ever put ourselves in their shoes. Many of us consider them beneath us but the fact of the matter is they are far more better than us. At least they do not consider themselves holier than us. They deserve our utmost respect because they are not judgmental. While they may not be considered rich monetarily  but they are generous at heart.
Our lives seem convenient because of their sweat and blood.

Our thoughts are touching the sky. While we are living in our own cocoon, in the hangover of our pride, ego or status or so-called high professions we have become oblivious to the existence of these gems.
Have some self-reflection, look around your surroundings, many people are busy helping us working very hard to give us the comfort which is a privilege not our right.The purpose of this blog is not only to help us be emphatic to their plight but also to highlight their importance.
So just ponder over it, if they did not exist how lives of ours would be?

By Hafiz Abdul Mannan

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